Tuesday 2 March 2010

What Drives You? (Day 3 of 40 Days of Purpose)

What drives your life? What makes you go anywhere?

To many of us are driven by the wrong reasons and pressures.

It may be the guilt and regret of past decisions and actions. But we cannot change our past and Jesus has already paid the cost of our sins. We can only blame ourselves for the hurt on us and others from being driven by guilt and fear. Know that Jesus loves you and died on the cross for whatever sin, you think made you ineligable for a good life with God.

Or you might be driven by Anger and resentment. Someone did something to you and they are going to pay for it! But while the offender often has moved on, and maybe not even noticed, that you were hurt, you are the one paying for the anger and resentment on a daily basis. It destroys your mood, your relationships in general and especially with those you love. Let go of your resentment and hate, forgive the person, who offended you and move on. Jesus was killed due to our sins. Where would we be without His forgiveness and sacrifice on the cross?

Or fear might be the driving factor of your life. Fear of past experienes cropping up again. Maybe someone within your closest family reigned through terror and threats. Whatever the cause of your fear, you are now locked into the jail of your fears, missing out on opportunities and successes because you will not move into unknown or uncertain territory as it might lead to failures and repercussion.

Materialism, or "Keeping on with the Jones'es" was basically the foundation for this latest financial crises. When materialism drives you, you rely on the kick of buying and owning something for your happiness. But all material goods are a fleeting value and might deflate over night. And nothing on this earth will you be able to bring with you, when it is time to leave this earth. So invest in lasting valuables. The only lasting valuable, that will last beyond time and throughout eternity is the Love of Jesus Christ.

People are also driven by the need of approval. Of someone they know and respect or simply just by strangers. Often this might stem from childhood experiences of lacking attention from someone you loved. One failsafe way to fail is to try to please everyone. It is impossible and you will always offend someone. So stay with pleasing God. He will never fail or forsake you and we will never stop loving you even if you turn your back to Him.

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