Saturday 2 January 2010

My name is NOT Muzungu!

Living in a village in Uganda for more than 8 months, everytime I went into or though that village either by car, by motorcycle or on foot the children would cry "Muzungu! Muzungu! Muzungu!"

That was nice the first couple of times but in the long run it became irritating. Not becuase of the attention but because of what was underneath that attention. And although the adults would often hush their children, they had a similar attitude.

'Muzungu' means 'The white man'. As a white man in Uganda at least but as far as I know all over Africa you are more or less a small 'Deity' because you have lots of money and power. Anybody associated with or working for a white man in himself gains importance just because of that.

This is regardless of who the white man is. You are just expected to have lots of money and power.

I am glad, that I had the experience of living in Africa and it brings a lot of good thoughts and feelings.

One thing I learnt is that it does matter, who I cling to. And how I present myself. I am a man, not a (semi-) God. I am imperfect, not perfect. Only Christ was and is perfect.

It is important that I accept that I strive to be the best person I can be, I am aware that I have to point to Jesus for the perfect example. Perfect Love, True in Nature and Thought, He gave his all by coming to us in a lowly setting and gave up his life to save us and cleanse us for our sins.

Paul says in Gal 6:14 "May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

May I be a humble servant, fighting for Christ, my wife, my family and the town I live in. In that order!

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